Sonntag, 26. September 2010

My Artwork Prints are stolen at Photokina

Was in Cologne today to carry my "7 deadly sins" prints home.
As we arrived at hall 5.1 I must see, that my prints were stolen.
I know from a woman that it was a men who take them away.

So please, if you find my prints at the internet at ebay or something else, contact me at

Freitag, 24. September 2010

Photokina 2010

Kate and me where at Photokia 2010 this year on Wednesday 22th and Thursday 23th September 2010.
Here are a few words and a lot of photos from these two days.
At first I wanna share another Behind the scene Photos from the setup with you:

I think the most of you all have seen how amazing the hall was. It was intressting for us to see how dirty and chaotic it was only two days befor Photokina started. All the people there did such great jobs and made a wonderful place from this chaotic hall I saw on Sunday.

So, but back to my two days there:
We came with the train from Haiger. Our journey takes nearly 2 hours.

At the Photokina we looked at the Canon stand for the new camera models and I finally have my desicion if I should buy the 5D or 1DMark III. My next Camera will be the 5D. The 1DMark is to heavy and to big for me. ( and the 5D fits perfectly in my handbag, because I hate Camerabags!)

We enjoyed the sun at the Photokina Piazza, drunk Vanilla Latte and enjoy the diurnal bird of prey show.

Then we went to hall 5.1 - both totally nervous- and searched my stand.

It was amazing to see all the wonderful exhibition at Photokina 2010.
So many wonderful photographers and their photographies! Simply inspireing!

We moved on to hall 9 where we visited the workshop from Steve Thornton.
It was interessting. Especially because we saw that even Top Photographers only cooking with water.
It was good for the selfconfidence to see that not every photo from him was perfect and that everyone can be on top of the world if you work hard enough for it.

We talked with representatives from Bowens and Broncolor and met a lot of nice people, young and old, who started with their photography carrer a few months ago and get a lot of new tipps and tricks.

We come to the desicion, that we will open our own studio next year.
At the end of the day we both where totally tired. Made a few photos at the trainstation, fell in our beds and slept long and good, till the next morning.


On the second day we drove later at the noonday to Photokina.

Kate and me infront of the Köln Messe

This time we went straight to the Photokina Piazza, enjoyed the sun and waited for a call from Dóri who wanted met us there.

As Dóri called me we met us in hall 5.1
Dori infront of "Superbia"

After a walk we went back to the Piazza and enjoyed the sun again.
We met this two lovely girls from Netherlands and the two where so nice to be our Models for a few quick photos.

Then a few guys from India and Turkey came to us and ask if they could make photos from us.
We said yes and a few minutes ago whe where surrounded by people with Cameras and iPhones and take photos from us.

It was time to go to Photokina Party. Nice Location. I wanna do Photoshootings in future there.
The food was amazing. Looked good and tasted better!
A few photos from my iPhone:

We left the Party very early for our train. But we had to wait a bit more then an hour then and so we bought us the new Vogue and a Caramel Coffee Frappucchino and spend the first time reading.

But then we get bored and so we made Photos....

I'm a bit sad that it's not possible for me to be there today and tomorrow.
Even when jamari lior and ophelia overdose have a workshop for modelposing.

Sonntag, 19. September 2010

Photokina 2010 setup

Today was the day. The setup for Photokina 2010.
I woke up early in the morning ( befor my alarm clock rung). Couldn't eat or drink something. Was totally nerous, like I was the last days.
At 9 o'clock Kate and Onk arrived. A little bit later my Mums Friend Brigitte with her son.
Because of the fact that my parents are in vacations for 3 weeks and couldn't help me with the setup she was so kind to help me out.
So we drove to Cologne. As we arrived in the Hall where my exhibition is, I realized that there wasn't the lettering from my Name and exhibition title.
Again I wanna thank all the nice people from the Köln Messe who were so kind and phoned to the Marketing to ask where the lettering was, and opened an special entry only for us.

We need a long time for the 7 photos. I think it was only because everyone wanted to make it right and perfect for me. I was so overwhelmed that I stood there the most time paralysed and so I only stood there as an assistant.

It was great to see all the 7 images on the wall. I'm hopefull that nothing will break when the personal from photokina making the lettering over the images tomorrow.

If you'll be on the Photokina be sure to visit my exhibition in Halle 5.1 Stand H-014
I can't wait to see it when I visit the Photokina on wednesday and it's finished with the lettering

Kate infront of the wall

Photoshooting with Lena and Antje

Yesterday Kate and I had a new testshooting with two beautiful Models we found on the street ( or in this case: In a supermarket and a Pub): Lena and Antje
We made a few portraits with different styles. I personally fell in love with Antje. An adorable and nice blond girl.
Here a few behind the scene pictures.

Here one of the finished images: